国家或地区 | 城市或地区 | 摘 要 | 原 文 | 事 件 | 时 间 |
Thailand | Bangkok, north and north eastern areas | 泰国东北部地区遭洪水袭击,导致曼谷等东北部地区多条道路封路。 | ![]() |
Ongoing floods | 18 October 2011 18:30 GMT |
Philippines | Basilan | 菲律宾发生安全部队与伊斯兰教独立派冲突事件导致15人亡数人受伤。 | ![]() |
Clashes |
18 October 2011 14:45 GMT |
Pakistan | Countrywide | 巴基斯坦发生铁路工人罢工事件严重影响铁路交通。 | ![]() |
Rail workers strike |
18 October 2011 11:42 GMT |
Papua New Guinea | New Britain | 巴布亚新几内亚发生里氏6.3级地震,暂无人员伤亡及财产损失报告。 | ![]() |
Earthquake | 18 October 2011 05:35 GMT |
Australia | Sydney | 澳大利亚悉尼由于安全隐患导致700多辆公交车停运。 | ![]() |
Disruptions to bus services | 18 October 2011 04:42 GMT |
Chile | Countrywide | 智利全国上下学生联盟举行大罢工。 | ![]() |
Planned strike | 17 October 2011 07:47 GMT |
Indonesia | Donggala | 印度尼西亚栋加拉暴雨引起洪水泛滥导致3人亡,严重影响交通运输。 | ![]() |
Flooding | 15 October 2011 17:30 GMT |
India | Countrywide | 印度新德里提高安全警戒级别应对恐怖袭击事件。 | ![]() |
Alert status | 14 October 2011 13:31 GMT |
Russia | Tynda | 俄国吉顺通发生里氏6.1级地震,暂无人员伤亡及财产损失报告。 | ![]() |
Earthquake | 14 October 2011 08:55 GMT |
Thailand | Pattani | 泰国北大年发生枪击事件导致6人亡数人受伤。 | ![]() |
Gun attacks | 14 October 2011 08:51 GMT |
Papua New Guinea | East of Lae | 巴布亚新几内亚首府发生里氏6.7级地震,暂无人员伤亡及财产损失报告。 | ![]() |
Earthquake | 14 October 2011 04:14 GMT |
South Korea | Seoul | 韩国30民间团体占领首尔抗议金融领域不公。 | ![]() |
Planned protests | 13 October 2011 08:46 GMT |
United States | California | 美国加利福尼亚州火车相撞致伤18人。 | ![]() |
Rail incident | 13 October 2011 06:34 GMT |
Indonesia | Bali | 印尼巴厘岛发生里氏6.0级地震,暂无人员伤亡及财产损失报告。 | ![]() |
Earthquake | 13 October 2011 05:43 GMT |
Indonesia | East Java province | 印尼爪哇省东部爆发白喉病导致320人死亡。 | ![]() |
Disease outbreak | 12 October 2011 13:26 GMT |
India | Gorakhpur | 印度爆发脑炎疾病导致400人死亡感染近2000多人。 | ![]() |
Disease outbreak | 12 October 2011 12:18 GMT |
Papua New Guinea | Porgera | 巴布亚新几内亚发生暴力冲突事件导致9人死亡数人受伤。 | ![]() |
Clashes | 19 October 2011 11:12 GMT |
India | Mumbai | 印度孟买出租车司机举行大罢工。 | ![]() |
Taxi strike | 20 October 2011 02:12 GMT |
Incident description: Local authorities have advised residents in low-lying areas of the eastern and northern outskirts of the Bangkok greater metropolitan area to evacuate to prepare for possible flooding after it was announced that floodwaters are expected to rise to between 50cm and 80cm in the coming 24 hours. Areas that are expected to be among those worst affected include the Lat Prabang, Bang Phil and Thawi Wattana districts, and others deemed at high risk include the Sai Mai and Khlong Sam Wa districts. In neighbouring Nonthaburi province, which is still part of the greater Bangkok metropolitan area, a water gate in Bang Bua Thong district collapsed on the afternoon of 18 October, allowing a large amount of water to flow into the Bang Bua Thong fresh market and many houses in the area, flooding them. In addition, the ongoing flooding has resulted in several major roads being closed in Bangkok, particularly on the northern and eastern outskirts, severely hampering road travel to areas north of the capital.
Analysis: Northern and north eastern Thailand, including Bangkok, has experienced severe and ongoing flooding since the beginning of August, reportedly the worst in five decades. Countrywide, over 300 people have been killed, millions more have been affected, and the Thai government has declared approximately one third of the country as a disaster area. Despite this, the country's primary air travel hub, Suvarnabhumi International Airport, remains unaffected, as do other areas further south that are popular with foreign nationals visiting the country, such as Phuket, Koh Samui, Koh Phi Phi and Koh Phangan.
Advice: Clients in Bangkok and northern and north eastern Thailand are advised to exercise heightened caution in the coming days and weeks as further heavy rain conducive to flooding is expected until the end of November, when the south west monsoon season comes to an end. Clients are advised to exercise particular caution in low-lying and mountainous areas due to the threats of flooding and landslides respectively, and to anticipate ongoing disruptions to road and rail transport, as well as to electricity and telecommunications. ——From Travel Alert.
Incident description: At least 15 people have been killed and several more injured following clashes between security forces and Islamist separatist militants from the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) near the town of Al Barka, on the southern island province of Basilan. Fighting erupted in the early hours of 18 October and continued into the evening; the exact cause of the clashes remains unclear. MILF militants claim that Philippine troops attacked them in their stronghold near Al Barka in defiance of a local ceasefire that was in place, while Philippine troops assert that they were fired upon by MILF militants after investigating claims by local villagers that the MILF militants, who are holding kidnap victims, strayed too close to a village in the area.
Analysis: The MILF is an Islamist militant group, which has been battling for a separate Islamic state in the southern Philippines since the 1980s. The group is currently engaged in peace negotiations with the Philippines government; however, a number of its local commanders operate semi-autonomous bands across the southern Mindanao region as well as the Sulu Archipelago, of which Basilan is a part of, and have been recently implicated in acts of terrorism and criminality, including kidnapping.
Advice: Due to the ongoing insecurity in the region, clients are advised against all travel to Mindanao and the Sulu Archipelago. Persons in the region are advised to implement robust security measures at all times, particularly if conducting independent travel outside of main urban centres and in the vicinity of likely terrorist targets, including government and security force facilities, transport interests and crowded public areas. ——From Travel Alert.
Incident description: Rail services run by Pakistan Railways were disrupted across the country for a second day on 18 October as workers aligned to the Pakistan Railways Employees Union continued a strike over the non-payment of wages and salaries. Unconfirmed media reports on 18 October indicate that the government has bowed to the demands of the striking workers and has agreed to release funds to pay the workers' wages.
Analysis: While the funds have purportedly been released, rail transport disruptions are likely to continue for the short-term as the relevant funds are distributed to the striking workers.
Advice: Clients in Pakistan intending to travel via rail are advised to contact their travel provider or the rail authorities directly for updated information on the status of services. ——From Travel Alert.
Incident description: A 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck 166km east of Kandrian on the island of New Britain at 15:05 local time on 18 October. No tsunami warning has been issued and there have been no reports of damage or casualties.
Analysis: Papua New Guinea is located in the Pacific 'Ring of Fire', and earthquakes are regularly reported in the wider region. Persons in the area should prepare for possible aftershocks.
Advice: Clients in or planning to travel to the affected area are advised to monitor local media for updates and advisories.——From Travel Alert.
Incident description: Approximately 700 public buses were withdrawn from service in Sydney on 18 October due to safety concerns. The withdraw of the buses was as a result of a snap strike by the Bus & Tram Division of the NSW Rail, Tram and Bus Union (RTBU). The union called the strike after an investigation into a July incident on one of the gas powered buses revealed significant safety issues with the bus fleet. It is unclear when the buses will be returned to service.
Advice: Clients in Sydney intending to utilise bus services should consider alternative forms of transport in the short-term, such as taxi, rail or car rental. ——From Travel Alert.
Incident description: A countrywide strike, called by student unions as part of an ongoing protest campaign, is set to take place in Chile on 18 and 19 October. The urban centres of Santiago, Concepcion and Valparaiso are likely to be worst affected by associated civil unrest. Students will be joined in the strike by the Workers' United Center of Chile (CUT), a labour union which participated in the last general strike in late August. Both interest groups are seeking major reform to both education and labour policies. Demonstrators have articulated a desire for a national referendum to reshape the constitution, allowing for greater equality in the distribution of wealth.
Analysis: During the previous general strike, which took place on 24 and 25 August, the merging of two strong protest bodies resulted in an increase in the level of violence. Dozens of protesters and police officers were injured in Santiago and one person was killed after sustaining a gunshot wound, allegedly at the hands of a police officer. Hundreds were also arrested at major associated gatherings. While foreign nationals have not been targeted during protests related to the student movement to date, there is an incidental threat to persons in or near the vicinity of gatherings. Localised travel disruptions within the vicinity of protests should also be anticipated.
Advice: Clients in or planning to travel to Chile are advised to monitor developments closely, and should avoid all street demonstrations as a precaution. ——From Travel Alert.
Incident description: Flash floods, triggered by heavy rains, have killed at least three people, damaged scores of houses, and disrupted transportation services in the Donggala regency, located in Indonesia's Central Sulawesi province. Much of the damage was caused on the evening of 14 October when a nearby river burst its banks, flooding at least 70 houses and causing the collapse of two bridges.
Analysis: Although Indonesia's rainy season generally extends from November to March, heavy seasonal rains often begin in mid to late October. During this time, low-lying and/or coastal areas of the country are prone to flash flooding, while more mountainous areas of the country may experience landslides.
Advice: Clients in Central Sulawesi province are advised to exercise caution and should consider deferring travel to the flood-affected areas of the Donggala regency. Clients are further advised to monitor local news for possible flood warnings and emergency broadcasts.
Incident description: Major cities in India have been placed on high alert after authorities claim to have foiled a possible terrorist attack planned for India's capital, New Delhi. Security personnel discovered a car containing explosive material, two timers, and a number of detonators on 12 October. Although the vehicle was discovered outside the Ambala Cantonment railway station in the state of Haryana, India's Intelligence Bureau (IB) believes that the explosives were set to be used in a terrorist attack in the capital, New Delhi, possibly to coincide with forthcoming Diwali celebrations in the city. While unconfirmed, authorities suspect that the Islamist militant group, Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT), may have been involved in the foiled attack.
Analysis: LeT is the military wing of Markaz-ud-Dawa-wal-Irshad (MDI), a Pakistan-based religious organisation. The group's primary objective is to free Kashmir from Indian control and to merge the region with Pakistan. Although the majority of LeT's terrorist activities centre on Kashmir Valley, the group is also active in the Jammu district, and has carried out isolated attacks in other parts of India. The group's deadliest attack occurred on 26 November 2008 when LeT militants executed a series of coordinated attacks in the city of Mumbai, killing 170 people, including 22 foreign nationals.
Advice: While it currently remains difficult to predict when and where a terrorist incident will occur, venues such as marketplaces, train stations, mosques, temples, government and security force facilities, tourist areas, public transport services, aviation interests, Western businesses and hotels, diplomatic offices, religious sites and events, and crowded areas are all considered probable terrorist targets. Clients in the country are advised to exercise heightened security awareness at this time, and should report all suspicious persons, packages, and/or vehicles to the local authorities. ——From Travel Alert.
Incident description: A 6.1 magnitude earthquake has been reported 130km south west of the town of Tynda. There have been no immediate reports of damages or fatalities.
Advice: Clients in the affected region are advised to prepare for aftershocks, and should monitor local media and emergency broadcast channels for updates and advisories from the local authorities. ——From Travel Alert.
Incident description: At least six people have been killed and several injured in two separate incidents in Thailand's southern Pattani Province on 14 October. In the first attack, three people, including one local official, were killed when unidentified gunmen opened fire on their vehicle in the Mayo district. In the second attack, another three people were killed when four assailants on motorcycles attacked a seafood processing plant in the Panareh district. The assailants also planted a bomb at the scene of the attack, but this was spotted and defused by security forces upon their arrival at the scene.
Analysis: There are various security concerns in a number of southern provinces, including Pattani, due to an ongoing Islamist separatist insurgency in the region. Insurgent groups are retaliating against perceived isolation and discrimination of Malay Muslims by Thailand's predominantly Buddhist government. Further attacks remain possible in the short- to medium-term. Police, military personnel, government officials and teachers are regularly targeted. While foreign nationals are not specifically targeted, the incidental risk to travellers remains significant.
Advice: Due to the threats from conflict and terrorism related to the ongoing insurgency, clients are advised against all travel to the southern provinces of Yala, Narathiwat, Pattani and Songkhla. Clients currently in the affected areas are advised to maintain a low profile and implement maximum security precautions. ——From Travel Alert.
Incident description: A 6.7 magnitude earthquake has been reported 103km east of the city of Lae. There have been no immediate reports of damages or fatalities, and no tsunami warning has been issued.
Advice: Clients in the affected region are advised to brace for aftershocks, and should monitor local media and emergency broadcast channels for updates and advisories from the local authorities. ——From Travel Alert.
Incident description: A coalition of activists and approximately 30 civic groups, including labour and student unions, are scheduled to hold protests in the capital, Seoul, on 15 and 16 October. The protests are being called against financial inequality and for better consumer financial rights. The groups are set to hold 'Occupy Seoul' protests in front of the Financial Services Commission in the Yeouido financial district, as well as in Seoul Plaza, starting at 14:00 local time. All the protest groups will then gather together in Seoul Plaza from approximately 18:00 local time.
Analysis: It is unclear at this stage exactly how many people will attend, but spokespeople for the protest rally have estimated that up to several thousand people will gather. Although widespread violence is not expected, events such as these often attract a significant police presence. The risk of clashes occurring cannot be ruled out.
Advice: Clients in Seoul are advised to avoid the Yeouido financial district as well as Seoul Plaza over the weekend of 15 and 16 October, due to the possibility of civil unrest. Localised travel delays are possible as a result of the protests. Clients are further advised to monitor local media for updates and advisories from authorities. ——From Travel Alert.
Incident description: Two trains have collided at Jack London Square Amtrak train station in Oakland, California. It is believed that the trains were travelling from Bakersfield and Los Angeles respectively, when one was struck by the other at the station. At least 18 people have suffered injuries as a result of the accident and rail travel through the area has been disrupted. In addition, due to the number of emergency vehicles at the scene, road traffic congestion has been reported near Oakland station.
Analysis: As much as 50 feet of track has reportedly been damaged due to the incident, suggesting that Amtrak rail traffic through the region is likely to remain disrupted for some time.
Advice: Clients in Oakland should expect road congestion in the vicinity of Oakland station. In addition, persons planning to travel on Amtrak in California should contact their travel provider for an update on the status of services. ——From Travel Alert.
Incident description: (Update) At least 50 people have been injured on Indonesia's island of Bali following an earlier 6.0 magnitude earthquake struck 100km south west of Bali's capital city, Denpasar. In addition, there have been reports of damage to housing and disruptions to isolated utilities. While the earthquake was not powerful enough to trigger a tsunami, the quake was also felt on the neighbouring islands of Java and Lombok.
Advice: Clients currently in affected areas, particularly those in Bali, should anticipate further possible aftershocks and should avoid damaged buildings until they have been cleared by the authorities. Furthermore, clients are advised to monitor local media and emergency broadcast channels for updates and advisories from the local authorities. ——From Travel Alert.
Incident description: The government has declared an 'Extraordinary Situation' due to an ongoing diphtheria outbreak in East Java province that has left over 320 people dead since January. The worst affected regencies and municipalities include Bangkalan, Banyuwangi, Blitar, Gresik, Mojokerto, Pamekasan, Pasuruan, Sampang, Sidoarjo, Sumenep and Surabaya. Local authorities have responded by beginning a mass-vaccination campaign primarily targeting children up to the age of 15, who are assessed as being at the highest risk of becoming infected.
Analysis: Diphtheria is a disease of the upper respiratory tract that primarily affects young children and, to a lesser degree, adults with a compromised immune system. It is highly contagious and is passed on through coughing, sneezing or contact with an infected person. The infection is characterised by a sore and swollen throat, coughing and fever. Additional symptoms may be bloody, watery discharge from the nose and rapid breathing. The disease can be fatal if left unattended.
Advice: Clients planning to travel to Indonesia are advised to ensure that their diphtheria vaccinations are up to date and have comprehensive travel and medical insurance. Clients currently in Indonesia and East Java, particularly those with young children, are advised to minimise contact with those people who show any symptoms of possible infection. Clients who exhibit any of the above-mentioned symptoms are advised to consult with a medical practitioner immediately. ——From Travel Alert.
Incident description: (Update) An ongoing outbreak of encephalitis has killed at least 400 people and infected more than 2,000 others in the city of Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh state, since June.
Analysis: Initially suspected to be the mosquito-borne Japanese encephalitis (JE), state health authorities have confirmed that this form of the disease is spread through the ingestion of contaminated water. It is believed that heavy rains associated with India's annual monsoon season may have contributed to the spread of the viral disease.
Advice: Clients in Gorakhpur are advised to only consume bottled water or water which has been purified. It is further recommended that all food and beverages sold by street vendors be avoided as this may increase the risk of exposure to the virus. Finally, clients experiencing symptoms such as a sudden onset of fever, intense headache, stiff neck, nausea and light sensitivity, should consult a medical practitioner immediately. ——From Travel Alert.
Incident description: At least nine people have been killed and several more injured during inter-tribal violence near the Porgera gold mine, in Enga province, on early on 19 October. The violence occurred as the result of a dispute between members of the Nomali and Heno tribes.
Analysis: Clashes of this kind are a regular occurrence in Papua New Guinea, particularly in the highlands region, of which Enga province is a part. Tensions usually arise over inter-tribal disputes, land, and local political issues. Clashes near the Porgera mine have occurred with increasing regularity since 2007, due to the forcible relocations of landowners from sites near the mine by mine owners, Barrick Gold.
Advice: Clients currently in the vicinity of the Porgera mine are advised to exercise elevated caution in the short-term and to anticipate an increase in security in the area. Clients are further advised to travel in convoy and limit travelling to and from the mine complex to daylight hours only. ——From Travel Alert.
Incident description: Disruptions to taxi services in Mumbai have been reported following the announcement of a general strike by drivers of the Meru taxi company on 19 October. Meru, one of the city's largest radio taxi service providers, have indicated that up to 85 percent of its drivers are participating in the strike.
Analysis: Taxi drivers have commenced with the strike action amid a dispute with the company over the lay-off of 21 drivers; the drivers were laid off after allegedly damaging cars and being involved in acts of public violence during a previous strike in early October. As it remains unclear when the strike is likely to end, disruptions to Meru taxi services can be expected to continue in the short term. It is also possible that taxi drivers may proceed to block roads and disrupt traffic flow as part of the strike action.
Advice: Clients in Mumbai intending to make use of the services of the Meru taxi company are advised to arrange alternative transport until the strike has ended. Clients are further advised to avoid any protests that may arise as a result of the strike. ——From Travel Alert.