国家或地区 | 城市或地区 | 摘 要 | 原 文 | 事 件 | 时 间 |
日本 Japan |
本州岛东海岸 East coast of Honshu island |
3 月27日,,当地时间的20:00,日本气象厅报告在日本北部的Iwate辖区发生里氏6.4级地震。The Japanese Meteorological Agency has reported that a 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck off the east coast of the Iwate prefecture in northern Japan at approximately 20:00 local time on 27 March. | ![]() Clients in the affected :... |
地震 Earthquakes |
27 MAR 2012 |
印尼 Indonesia |
全国城市中心 Urban centres countrywide |
在临近4月1日印尼政府据顶提高燃料价格的时候,截至3月29日,在全国各地的市中心的暴力抗议活动成上升趋势, Increasingly violent protests continue to take place in urban centres across Indonesia on 29 March, ahead of the implementation of a government decision to raise fuel prices on 1 April. | ![]() Clients in Indonesia :... |
抗议 |
1 APR 2012 |
巴基斯坦 Pakistan |
卡拉奇 Karachi |
据报道,3月27日,Muttahida Quami运动的支持者在卡拉奇,为了抗议在早些时候其运动的活跃分子被不明枪手杀害而举行的抗议,造成数人受伤以及数十辆车烧毁。 At least nine people have been killed, several more injured and dozens of vehicles set alight in Karachi after supporters of the Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) protested on 27 March against the death of an MQM activist who was killed by unknown gunmen earlier in the day. | ![]() Japan:... |
政治暴力 |
27 MAR 2012 |
美国 United States |
科罗拉多州杰斐逊县Jefferson County, Colorado | 在科罗拉多州的Jefferson县,由于发生森林火灾,大火一直蔓延至丹佛西南方向40公里左右 Evacuations affecting around 900 homes have been ordered in Jefferson County, Colorado, due to wildfires which are continuing to burn some 40km south west of Denver. | ![]() Clients in the affected :... |
野火 Wildfires |
27 MAR 2012 |
越南 Vietnam |
全国范围 Countrywide |
热带风暴帕卡预计在未来的24小时内将来袭越南东南部。 Tropical Storm Pakhar is projected to affect the south east of Vietnam within the next 24 hours. | ![]() Clients in or planning to :... |
热带风暴 |
30 MAR 2012 |
3 月27日,,当地时间的20:00,日本气象厅报告在日本北部的Iwate辖区发生里氏6.4级地震。目前还没有发出海啸警报。
The Japanese Meteorological Agency has reported that a 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck off the east coast of the Iwate prefecture in northern Japan at approximately 20:00 local time on 27 March. No tsunami warning or damages have been reported.
Clients in the affected region should monitor local media and emergency broadcast channels for updates and advisories from the local authorities.
Increasingly violent protests continue to take place in urban centres across Indonesia on 29 March, ahead of the implementation of a government decision to raise fuel prices on 1 April.
Clients in Indonesia are advised to monitor developments closely and anticipate travel disruptions. Furthermore, all street demonstrations should be avoided as a precaution.
据报道,3月27日,Muttahida Quami运动的支持者在卡拉奇,为了抗议在早些时候其运动的活跃分子被不明枪手杀害而举行的抗议,造成数人受伤以及数十辆车烧毁。
At least nine people have been killed, several more injured and dozens of vehicles set alight in Karachi after supporters of the Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) protested on 27 March against the death of an MQM activist who was killed by unknown gunmen earlier in the day.
Due to a number of ongoing security concerns, clients are advised against all travel to Pakistan, including Karachi. Persons currently in the city are advised to maintain a low profile and monitor local developments closely
Evacuations affecting around 900 homes have been ordered in Jefferson County, Colorado, due to wildfires which are continuing to burn some 40km south west of Denver. According to reports, at least one person has been killed and several homes destroyed in the blaze since 26 March.
Clients in the affected parts of Jefferson County are advised to monitor local media for regular updates on the situation. Clients should also adhere to all advisories and evacuation orders issued by local authorities.
Tropical Storm Pakhar is projected to affect the south east of Vietnam within the next 24 hours. The storm system is currently located to the south east of the country and is expected to track in a north westerly direction, bringing heavy rain and strong winds. The storm is forecast to affect central regions of the country within the next 48 hours. The coastal area to the east of Ho Chi Minh city is expected to be the worst affected by the storm.
Clients in or planning to travel to Vietnam are advised to monitor local media for updates and advisories from the authorities. Furthermore, caution is advised in coastal and low-lying areas due to the threats of storms surges and flash floods.