国家或地区 | 城市或地区 | 摘 要 | 原 文 | 事 件 | 时 间 |
俄罗斯 Russia | 圣彼得堡 St Petersburg | 几个反对派团体预计于 3 月 24 日和 25 日在俄罗斯圣彼得堡举行游行示威 。 Several opposition groups are expected to hold rallies in St Petersburg | ![]() Due to the risk :... |
示威 Planned demonstrations |
25 MAR 2012 |
印度 India |
全国 Countrywide |
印度 Kingfisher 航空公司表示 , 它将从 3 月 25 日起暂停所有国际航班 India's Kingfisher Airlines has indicated that it will suspend all international flights from 25 March. | ![]() Clients are advised :... |
旅程中断 Travel disruptions |
25 MAR 2012 |
巴布亚新几内亚 Papua New Guinea |
东部高地省 Eastern Highlands Province |
当地时间 3 月 21 日 , 巴布亚新几内亚东部高地省的 Garoka 东部城镇约 66 公里处发生 6.7 级地震.A 6.7 magnitude earthquake has been reported approximately 66km east of the town of Garoka, located in Papua New Guinea's Eastern Highlands Province, on 21 March. |
![]() Clients in the affected :... |
地震 |
21 MAR 2012 |
韩国 South Korea |
汉城 Seoul |
韩国首都汉城,预定于 3 月 26 日和 27 日举办的核安全首脑会议。 South Korea's capital, Seoul, is scheduled to host a Nuclear Security Summit on 26 and 27 March. Security has been heightened significantly for the event, | ![]() persons travelling:... |
即将举行的核峰会 Upcoming Nuclear Summit |
26,27 MAR 2012 |
印尼 Indonesia | 巴厘岛 Bali |
印尼巴厘岛安全加强警戒 , 印尼警方成功捣毁一个恐怖组织 , 该组织计划在 3 月 22/23 日瞄准西方旅客发动恐怖袭击 Security has been heightened on Indonesia's island of Bali after Indonesian police thwarted a terrorist group which was allegedly planning to target Western interests in the area on 22/23 March. | ![]() |
安全提醒 Heightened security |
23 MAR |
几个反对派团体预计于 3 月 24 日和 25 日在俄罗斯圣彼得堡举行游行示威 , 第一次示威在当地时间 3 月 24 日 14:00 从 Gorkovskaya 地铁站到 Field 广场 , 预计示威人数约 15,000 人,第二次示威集会将在当地时间 3 月 25 日 15:00, 地点在 Konyushennaya Ploshchad.
Several opposition groups are expected to hold rallies in St Petersburg, Russia, on 24 and 25 March. The first rally is set to commence at 14:00 local time on 24 March and will include a protest march from Gorkovskaya metro station to the Field of Mars square, located in the centre of the city, where a rally, likely to attract some 15,000 participants, will be held. The second rally will commence at 15:00 local time on 25 March and will take place on Konyushennaya Ploshchad.
由于抗议者和俄罗斯安全部队可能产生暴力对抗的风险 , 建议在圣彼得堡的客户尽量避免前往反政府抗议活动 .
Due to the risk of violent confrontations between protesters and Russian security forces, clients in St Petersburg are advised to avoid all anti-government protests.
印度 Kingfisher 航空公司表示 , 它将从 3 月 25 日起暂停所有国际航班
印度 Kingfisher 航空公司表示 , 它将从 3 月 25 日起暂停所有国际航班 . 该航空公司还表示 , 将进一步减少国内航班虽然没有说明可能受到影响的路线 .India's Kingfisher Airlines has indicated that it will suspend all international flights from 25 March. The airline also indicated that it will further decrease domestic flights although did not indicate specific routes that may be affected.
建议客户应向航空公司或旅行供应商了解更多有关航班情况的信息 .Clients are advised to contact the airline or their travel provider for further information on the status of their flight(s).
当地时间 3 月 21 日 , 巴布亚新几内亚东部高地省的 Garoka 东部城镇约 66 公里处发生 6.7 级地震 , 地震未造成严重破坏及人员伤亡 , 暂未发出海啸预警。 A 6.7 magnitude earthquake has been reported approximately 66km east of the town of Garoka, located in Papua New Guinea's Eastern Highlands Province, on 21 March. There have been no immediate reports of any damage and/or casualties and a tsunami warning has not been issued.
建议在受灾地区的客户应做好余震的防范 , 此外 , 应留意当地媒体有关情况灾情的报道 .Clients in the affected region are advised to brace for aftershocks. Furthermore, clients in the area should monitor local media and emergency broadcast channels for updates and advisories from the local authorities.
韩国首都汉城,预定于 3 月 26 日和 27 日举办的核安全首脑会议。安全防范显著提高 , 特别是 Gangnam-gu 区的 COEX 和展览中心附近 , 以及仁川国际机场。预计超过 50 多个国家元首出席峰会。
South Korea's capital, Seoul, is scheduled to host a Nuclear Security Summit on 26 and 27 March. Security has been heightened significantly for the event, particularly in the vicinity of the COEX Convention and Exhibition Center in Gangnam-gu district, as well as at the Incheon International Airport. More than 50 heads of state are expected to attend the summit.
受此次活动影响 , 在汉城旅行的人将有可能因汉城增加安全措施导致旅行中断 .
persons travelling in the affected areas should anticipate travel disruptions due to increased security measures throughout Seoul.
印尼巴厘岛安全加强警戒 , 印尼警方成功捣毁一个恐怖组织 , 该组织计划在 3 月 22/23 日瞄准西方旅客发动恐怖袭击 .3 月 22/23 日是巴厘岛的新年 , 将举办庆祝活动 , 当地游客喜欢的一些酒吧 , 包括 La Vida 夜总会 , 将视为恐怖分子攻击的目标 . 外国公民经常光顾的地区已经提高安全性措施 , 包括娱乐场所 , 酒店 , 购物中心和交通枢纽 .Security has been heightened on Indonesia's island of Bali after Indonesian police thwarted a terrorist group which was allegedly planning to target Western interests in the area on 22/23 March. Nyepi, the Balinese New Year, celebrations on 22/23 March, and several bars popular with tourists, including La Vida Loca nightclub, were identified as potential targets for a terrorist attack. Increased security measures have been implemented in areas frequented by foreign nationals including entertainment venues, hotels, shopping centres and transport hubs.
在巴厘岛的客户在这段期间要提高安全防范措施 , 以及听从当局的安全指示 . 建议如果发现可疑的人 , 或活动立即向当局报告 .Clients in Bali are advised to exercise heightened situational awareness at this time and to follow the directives of the local authorities. Clients are further advised to report any suspicious people, packages or activities to the authorities immediately.