国家或地区 | 城市或地区 | 摘 要 | 原 文 | 事 件 | 时 间 |
印度尼西亚 Indonesia |
雅加达 Jakarta |
据报道,4月5日在印度尼西亚首都雅加达,洪水已疏散约2,400人,并造成旅行中断。 According to reports on 5 April, flooding in Indonesia's capital, Jakarta, has led to the evacuation of around 2,400 people as well as travel disruptions. | ![]() |
洪灾 Flooding |
5 APRIL 2012 |
印度 India |
Dabolim 机场,Goa州 Dabolim Airport, Goa state |
预计4月5,6日和7日当地时间07:00和16:00之间,位于印度西南部Goa州的Dabolim机场会暂时关闭,进行日常维护。 The Dabolim Airport, located in India's south western Goa state, is expected to close temporarily between 07:00 and 16:00 local time on 5, 6 and 7 April for routine maintenance. | ![]() Clients intending to:... |
临时关闭机场 |
5,6,7 APRIL 2012 |
日本 Japan |
全国范围 Countrywide |
4 月3日,日本全国各地遭受大风和强降雨,目前已造成两人死亡,相当程度的海陆空交通旅行中断。 Strong winds and heavy rain across Japan have resulted in two deaths and considerable air, maritime, rail and road travel disruptions on 3 April. | ![]() Clients in or planning :... |
风暴灾害 |
3 APRL 2012 |
俄罗斯 Russia |
Tyumen Oblast | 一架从Tyumen市起飞30公里的UTair航空客机,在Tyumen Oblast区域坠毁,飞机上的29名机组人员和41名乘客遇害。 A passenger plane belonging to UTair Aviation has crashed 30km from the city of Tyumen in the country's Tyumen Oblast | ![]() Clients who intend to:... |
商务航班坠毁Commercial airline crash | 2 APRIL 2012 |
According to reports on 5 April, flooding in Indonesia's capital, Jakarta, has led to the evacuation of around 2,400 people as well as travel disruptions.Further rain is forecast for the capital and the city of Bogor, which is located upriver from Jakarta, in the coming days. Authorities have warned that further flooding and traffic disruptions are likely.
Clients currently in the affected areas are advised to exercise caution. Travel to low-lying areas and along rivers should be avoided. In addition, clients are advised to monitor local media for weather updates and should adhere to advisories issued by the authorities.
The Dabolim Airport, located in India's south western Goa state, is expected to close temporarily between 07:00 and 16:00 local time on 5, 6 and 7 April for routine maintenance.
Clients intending to travel via Dabolim Airport during the affected days are advised to contact their travel provider or the airline directly for further information on the status of their flight(s).
4 月3日,日本全国各地遭受大风和强降雨,目前已造成两人死亡,相当程度的海陆空交通旅行中断。该国西部受影响最严重:超过550个航班停飞,火车停开和一些道路交通事故,导致交通挤塞。预计4月4日大风会向北移动。当局已发出警告,预计在沿海地区以及日本海会有强风和海浪,而内陆的大雨可能引发洪水和山体滑坡。
Strong winds and heavy rain across Japan have resulted in two deaths and considerable air, maritime, rail and road travel disruptions on 3 April.The west of the country has been worst affected. Over 550 flights were grounded, a number of trains were suspended and several road accidents have led to traffic congestion.Strong winds are expected to move north on 4 April . Authorities have warned that strong winds and high waves are expected in the coastal regions as well as in the Sea of Japan, whereas heavy rain may trigger flooding and landslides inland.
Clients in or planning to travel to Japan are advised to exercise caution especially on mountainsides, in low-lying areas and in coastal regions or near major rivers. Furthermore, clients should monitor local media for updates and advisories from the authorities.
一架从Tyumen市起飞30公里的UTair航空客机,在Tyumen Oblast区域坠毁,飞机上的29名机组人员和41名乘客遇害。
A passenger plane belonging to UTair Aviation has crashed 30km from the city of Tyumen in the country's Tyumen Oblast; as many as 29 of the 41 passengers and crew on board are believed to have been killed.
建议打算乘坐UTair航班,尤其是计划前往Tyumen Oblast的客户联系航空公司或他们的旅行供应商,直接为他们的航班的最新信息。
Clients who intend to make use of UTair, particularly those intending to travel in Tyumen Oblast, are advised to contact the airline or their travel provider directly for the latest information on the status of their flight(s).