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全国范围 Countrywide 自2012年开年以来,已有超过2854例登革热病例至少11人死亡的报道。Over 2,854 cases of dengue fever and at least 11 related-fatalities have been reported across Malaysia since the beginning of 2012. 马来西亚 Malaysia:... 季节性登革热疫情
Seasonal dengue fever outbreak
6 FEB 2012
Solomon Islands
马基拉岛 Makira Island 马基拉岛,索罗门群岛的一部分,发生了6.5级地震。A 6.5 magnitude earthquake has struck off the island of Makira, a part of the Solomon Islands archipelago. 所罗门群岛
Solomon Islands:...


19 FEB 2012
热带风暴茉莉造成山洪暴发并且延误了2月15日相关行程。Tropical Storm Jasmine has resulted in flash flooding and associated travel delays on 15 February. 汤加

Tropical storm

15 FEB 2012
Southern Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao 2 月16日,菲律宾当局发出山洪和山体滑坡的警告,受灾地区是南部的Luzon岛,Visayas和Mindanao地区。Authorities in the Philippines have issued a warning for flash flooding and landslides in the southern Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao regions on 16 February. 菲律宾
Flood/landslide warning
16 FEB 2012
自2012年开年以来,已有超过2854例登革热和 ?? 至少11人死亡的报道。

自2012年开年以来,已有超过2854例登革热和 ?? 至少11人死亡的报道。据报道,一月份在Selangor省有至少1271例患者,首都吉隆坡虽不是受灾最严重的,也报告有313例患者。登革热是由埃及伊蚊传播,症状通常发生在被受感染的伊蚊叮咬3至14天后,包括发高烧,剧烈头痛,背痛,关节痛,恶心,呕吐,眼痛,皮疹。
Over 2,854 cases of dengue fever and at least 11 related-fatalities have been reported across Malaysia since the beginning of 2012. At least 1,271 of those cases were reported in Selangor province in January. The capital, Kuala Lumpur, has been less seriously affected, with 313 cases reported.Dengue fever is spread by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Symptoms usually occur within three to 14 days of receiving a bite from an infected Aedes mosquito and include a high fever, severe headache, backache, joint pain, nausea, vomiting, eye pain and rash.
建议准备去受灾地区的客户,应采取预防措施,防止被蚊子叮咬,包括使用驱蚊剂,穿着长袖衬衫和长裤,尤其是在黄昏和黎明,蚊子通常是最活跃的时候。出现上述症状的客户, 应立即咨询医生。
Clients travelling to the affected regions are advised to take precautions against being bitten by mosquitoes, including using insect repellent and wearing long-sleeved shirts and long trousers, particularly at dusk and dawn, when mosquitoes are generally most active. Individuals exhibiting the above-mentioned symptoms are advised to consult a medical practitioner immediately.



A 6.5 magnitude earthquake has struck off the island of Makira, a part of the Solomon Islands archipelago. The epicenter of the earthquake was approximately 74km west of Kira Kira. There have been no immediate reports of damage or casualties and a tsunami warning has not been issued.
Clients currently in the region are advised to monitor local media and emergency broadcast channels for possible updates and advisories from the authorities. Clients should also note that aftershocks are possible in the short-term.


Tropical Storm Jasmine has resulted in flash flooding and associated travel delays on 15 February.Further heavy rain conducive flooding is likely in the coming hours as Tropical Storm Jasmine is currently not moving; however, it is forecast to begin tracking in south westerly direction within the next 24 hours. In addition, road, sea and air travel is likely to be impacted by the storm system; travel delays are likely.
Clients are advised to monitor local media for updates and follow the advisories of the local authorities. Clients are further advised to contact their travel provider for the latest updates on the status of services. Clients should note that Tonga experiences cyclones from November to April and further storms are likely in the coming months.

2 月16日,菲律宾当局发出山洪和山体滑坡的警告,受灾地区是南部的Luzon岛,Visayas和Mindanao地区。

2 月16日,菲律宾当局发出山洪和山体滑坡的警告,受灾地区是南部的Luzon岛,Visayas和Mindanao地区。由于低气压的影响,导致菲律宾爆发了大雨。据报道,本周至少有两人死亡。预计在未来几天,大雨还会继续, 旅行将会被进一步中断。
Authorities in the Philippines have issued a warning for flash flooding and landslides in the southern Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao regions on 16 February.A low pressure system has brought heavy rain to the Philippines territory. At least two flood-related deaths have been reported this week. The rain is expected to continue in the coming days and further travel disruptions are likely.
Clients in or planning to travel to the affected areas are advised to exercise caution in low-lying areas, elevated regions and along the coast due to the respective threats of flooding, landslides and storm surges. Furthermore, clients in the affected regions are advised to monitor local media for updates and advisories from the authorities.


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