国家或地区 | 城市或地区 | 摘 要 | 原 文 | 事 件 | 时 间 |
印度 India |
Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu | 12月30日热带风暴将影响印度东南部的Andhra Pradesh和Tamil Nadu。 | ![]() India:... |
热带风暴 Tropical storm |
30 December 2011 |
巴基斯坦 Pakistan |
Sindh province | 12月30日,全巴基斯坦天然气协会,代表巴基斯坦压缩天然气(CNG)部门计划在Sindh省举行为期48小时的罢工。 | ![]() Pakistan:... |
交通运输部门罢工 |
30 December 2011 |
尼泊尔 Nepal |
全国范围 Countrywide |
目前尼泊尔正面临燃料短缺。 | ![]() Nepal:... |
燃料短缺 |
30 December 2011 |
智利 Chile |
Magallanes 和 Antartica Chilena 地区 | 12月28日,在Torres del Paine国家公园发生火灾,目前已经摧毁了至少300公顷土地,疏散了300多人。 | ![]() Chile:... |
野火 Wildfire |
28 November 2011 |
美国 United States |
康涅狄格 Connecticut |
12月28日,恶劣天气导致美国康涅狄格州至少有25000户停电。 | ![]() United States :... |
恶劣天气/停电 |
28 December 2011 |
预计12月30日热带风暴将影响印度东南部的Andhra Pradesh和Tamil Nadu。预计未来48小时内在低洼地区易发洪水,在山区易发山体滑坡以及沿海易发风暴潮。预计海陆空交通,以及公用事业,包括水电将会中断。
Tropical Storm Thane is expected to affect India's south eastern states of Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu early on 30 December. Flooding in low-lying areas, landslides in mountainous regions and coastal storm surges are possible within the next 48 hours. Disruptions to air, maritime, road and rail transport, as well as to utilities, including water and electricity, should be expected.
Clients should note that India's east coast states typically experience tropical cyclones between September and November; however, storms are possible beyond this period, and further storms are likely。——From Travel Alert.
The All Pakistan CNG Association, which represents the interests of Pakistan's compressed natural gas (CNG) sector, has issued its intention to hold a 48-hour strike in Sindh province, commencing from 30 December.
Clients in Sindh, particularly Karachi, should expect delays to both private and public transport on 30 and 31 December; travel plans should be made accordingly。——From Travel Alert.
Ongoing fuel shortages are being experienced across Nepal Many petrol stations have closed as a result of having no fuel to sell. The fuel shortage is a result of the Indian Oil Corporation's (IOC) refusal to supply fuel to the Nepal Oil Corporation (NOC) over unpaid dues.
预计在未来的几天内, 燃料短缺的问题会愈加严重, 建议在尼泊尔的客户应密切留意事态发展。
Clients in Nepal are advised to monitor developments closely as fuel shortages are likely to sharpen further in the coming days。——From Travel Alert.
12月28日,在Torres del Paine国家公园发生火灾,目前已经摧毁了至少300公顷土地,疏散了300多人。当局为控制火势已采取措施,然而,天气条件如大风,助长了火势的蔓延。预计火灾还会继续蔓延并影响到别的地区。
A wildfire in Torres del Paine National Park has destroyed at least 300 hectares of land to date and prompted the evacuation of as many as 300 people, on 28 December. Significant measures to bring the blaze under control have been undertaken; however, weather conditions conducive to the spread of the fire, such as strong winds, have persisted. There is a probability that further areas will be affected in some capacity by the spread of the wildfire.
建议正在或者计划前往Torres del Paine国家公园旅游的客户应随时关注当地媒体对该新闻的更新报道。避免前往所有受火灾影响的地区,并遵循当地政府公告。
Advice: Clients in or planning on traveling to Torres del Paine National Park should monitor local media for regular updates on the situation. All fire-affected areas should be avoided and advisories issued by local authorities should be followed。——From Travel Alert.
截止至12月28日,恶劣天气导致美国康涅狄格州至少有25000户停电。受灾最严重的城市地区,包括East Hartford, Manchester, Bridgeport和Fairfield。
Incident description: At least 25,000 households in the US state of Connecticut have been affected by power outages on 28 December amid adverse weather affecting the region. The worst affected urban areas include East Hartford, Manchester, Bridgeport and Fairfield.
Clients in the affected areas should note that the power outages are likely to cause extended disruptions to banking, internet, telecommunication and other electronic-based services for the next few days. In addition, disruptions to public transport may also be possible。——From Travel Alert.